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Making textiles infinitely recyclable

Circularity for Performance Textiles

96 million tonnes of clothing goes to landfill every year 

​60% of this clothing is currently unrecyclable and will not biodegrade.

This global problem is increasing every year. Today, we buy 60% more clothing than before, only to discard each item after wearing it 50% as often. 


Many of these clothes rot forever in landfill and have far-reaching implications on environmental and human health.

RubyLab is the truly circular solution

Fitness apparel

A clean low carbon process for textile recycling

RubyLab has developed a circular, zero waste process to recycle clothing. Our first focus are stretch textiles, including nylon 6, that are commonly used for sports and swimwear.

Our goal is to make these textiles infinitely recyclable.

Why Rubylab?

Climate-Friendly Process

A clean and low carbon recycling solution that operates without hazardous chemicals and minimal energy requirements

EPR Compliance

Easy compliance for retailers, brands and manufacturers with Global Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation

Continuous Innovation

Our focus on research & development means we will continue to add new textile fractions and develop innovative circular textiles

about us

RubyLab is a circular economy business, focused on reducing global textile waste through our proven, patented  recycling processes.

Textile fractions

RubyLab has a proven clean technology recycling processes for blended  textiles. From 2025 our facility will recycle polyamide 6 textiles at scale. We intend to contribute to the decarbonisation of the fashion and textile industries by processing additional waste fractions.

Please join us to create infinite circularity.

Nylon 6

Launching 2025

Polyester Cotton

Launching 2026

Wool Polyamide Blends

Launching 2026

work with us

We are currently seeking partnerships to co-create this exciting opportunity to create wealth from waste. If you are a brand, retailer or manufacturer working with nylon 6, please get in touch.

Contact us

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